BelamiOnline presents us with a hot duo, thick-tailed Peter Annaud and handsome boy Alan Mosca
This series of photos is part of their Summer Loves series, shot at the same location where their Summer Break series was produced a few years ago . They’ve rented out this beautiful chateau for a week or two, which gives them plenty of indoor and outdoor locations for their hardcore productions and photo shoots
I’m not sure what to make of this set of photos, though. I’m a big fan of these guys, I love the location and outdoor shots in general. But for my taste, it’s a little too playful. I don’t really need the feathers, wooden frames, etc. As if those two hot guys and their big bodies in that spot weren’t enough. Anyway, their members love these pictures and that’s what counts
Peter and Alan look good together. And not just because they’re both dark-haired.